Malakoff Online Shop
Fertan Motor-Reiniger 750ml
Fertan Motor-Reiniger 750ml
The engine cleaner is a de-emulsifying, alkaline cleaner for engines, gearboxes and transmission parts, axles, etc. It can also be used very well for cleaning fuel tanks, which must be cleaned of mineral deposits in order to enable rust removal with FERTAN. It also dissolves the resinous deposits that partially occur in fuel tanks, where it must be checked that they have actually dissolved, for which purpose, depending on the age of the deposit, an extended exposure time must be planned.In the case of engines, transmissions, axles, drive shafts etc., engine cleaner is sprayed on, in the case of very heavy soiling additionally rubbed on with a brush or sponge, and can then be rinsed off after a few minutes with water, water jet or high-pressure cleaner. Undamaged paint layers are not attacked. When cleaning mineral soiling such as oil, grease, etc., please make sure that the washing water is always disposed of properly via an oil separator. Never allow dirty washing water to penetrate the sewer system and/or soil. When cleaning the interior surfaces of tanks, also dispose of the washing water properly in accordance with the relevant regional regulations.
Since cleaning oil- and grease-soiled surfaces is nowadays only permitted in systems with oil separators, this highly effective cleaner has been specially developed to separate oil/grease etc. from the water directly at the oil separator, thus enabling a significant cost reduction in the disposal of the sludge trap. In spite of the high cleaning power, lacquers etc. are not attacked.
Removes oils, greases separates oil/grease and water in the oil separator, does not attack healthy surfaces such as paint, rubber, plastic etc. and is emulsifying.
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